Our new bou­tique hotel is locat­ed in a tran­quil envi­ron­ment near the Zurich air­port. From there, you can quick­ly and eas­i­ly reach the vibrant cen­ter of the city. Whether stay­ing overnight or for a longer time – you will be sur­prised by our small bou­tique hotel with its per­son­al char­ac­ter and its spa­cious rooms in mod­ern design. For more exten­sive stays, we offer an upscale suite. Of course, park­ing is avail­able. In our bar-café with gar­den ter­race (open to the pub­lic), our hotel bar and the hotel lounge, we pam­per you with first-class drinks and fresh­ly pre­pared dish­es served at our buffet.


At The Gate Bou­tique Hotel, we cul­ti­vate Zurich’s dis­tinc­tive urban lifestyle – a very high stan­dard, espe­cial­ly when com­pared to air­port hotels in oth­er major cities.

Guests and trav­el­ers are wel­comed as friends, and our inter­ac­tion with one anoth­er is based on per­son­al respect and dis­cre­tion. Our ser­vice is uncom­pli­cat­ed, ami­ca­ble, and down-to-earth, but also dig­i­tal and mobile – per­fect for the young and the young-at-heart.

You might like to take an addi­tion­al excur­sion? We have inter­est­ing and cur­rent tips on spe­cial things to see and do about town in Zurich. We’re look­ing for­ward to your visit!


Our spa­cious sin­gle rooms are bright, set in con­tem­po­rary inte­ri­or design, and they cater to all you needs and wish­es for a pleas­ant short stay in Zurich.


In these large and styl­ish rooms, each with their own bal­cony, you can live and work on a sophis­ti­cat­ed lev­el. The baths are state-of-the-art, and the over­all ambi­ence and large mir­rors are like­ly to make oth­ers envi­ous on Instagram.


Our deluxe dou­ble rooms fea­ture styl­ish and sophis­ti­cat­ed fur­nish­ings, with a com­fort­able couch and large mir­rors. They are also equipped with a handy kitchenette.


You will enjoy the space and find the com­fort relax­ing. Com­plete with large TV, kitch­enette and a spa­cious bal­cony. Some stu­dios have two. Just per­fect for a longer stay.


The pent­house suite is a 4½ ‑room apart­ment, ide­al for short or longer stays. Its fur­nish­ings in con­tem­po­rary style include par­quet floor­ing and, in the bath and kitchen, gran­ite sur­faces. Large, com­fort­able beds invite you to relax. There is a walk-in clos­et, and among the ameni­ties are TV, inter­net, LED mir­rors, a cel­laret stocked with fine wines, and a cof­fee machine to round out your expe­ri­ence of a lux­u­ry home-away-from- home.


The nexus of The Gate is our café and bar area. Here, in a com­fort­able atmos­phere, you can meet peo­ple from many dif­fer­ent coun­tries, enjoy a relax­ing drink at the bar, or choose from the fresh dish­es pre­pared in our own kitchen for a light meal, select­ing your favorite apèro from our wide range of options. For our culi­nary vari­a­tions, we use region­al prod­ucts – to give you as much Switzer­land as possible.


Our new bou­tique hotel is locat­ed in a tran­quil envi­ron­ment near the Zurich air­port. From there, you can quick­ly and eas­i­ly reach the vibrant cen­ter of the city. Whether stay­ing overnight or for a longer time – you will be sur­prised by our small bou­tique hotel with its per­son­al char­ac­ter and its spa­cious rooms in mod­ern design. For more exten­sive stays, we offer an upscale suite. Of course, park­ing is avail­able. In our bar-café with gar­den ter­race (open to the pub­lic), our hotel bar and the hotel lounge, we pam­per you with first-class drinks and fresh­ly pre­pared dish­es served at our buffet.


Glat­tbrugg is part of Opfikon-Glat­tbrugg (can­ton Zurich), and is sit­u­at­ed in the Glatt val­ley between Zurich, Wal­lisellen, Rüm­lang and the air­port munic­i­pal­i­ty Kloten. From the air­port, you can con­ve­nient­ly reach the hotel in 3 min­utes by car, in 7 min­utes by pub­lic trans­port (Bus 768, 759) and should you choose to walk, it will take you 25 min­utes. Con­nec­tions to Zurich are good.


We’re a small and moti­vat­ed team. Each one of us con­tributes their own per­son­al back­ground from the Swiss hotel and cater­ing sec­tor. That’s why your stay will be a mem­o­rable expe­ri­ence you will wish to repeat. Being good hosts is our passion.


We take pride in dif­fer­ing from inter­na­tion­al chain hotels. Per­son­al yet dis­crete hos­pi­tal­i­ty is most impor­tant to all of us at The Gate. We go to great lengths to pro­vide a per­fect home from home for all our guests.

Whether you are here on busi­ness, on hol­i­day or pass­ing through – this is the place to relax in com­fort. All the trav­el tribu­la­tions will soon be for­got­ten as you set­tle in and enjoy a drink and a chat at the bar.



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